Managed Forests

LAFCo seeks to enhance both the economic and the ecological attributes of the forests it manages.

The Lyme Adirondack Timberlands are managed and certified to the FSC® and SFI® Forest Management Standards to ensure sustainable management and conservation of the forest resource.

The Lyme Adirondack Timberlands are located throughout the Adirondack Park.  The property is permanently conserved via a working forest conservation easement held by the State of New York’s Department of Environmental Conservation.

Kunjamuk Wildlife Panel

Forest Diversity

Forest Health and Diversity

LAFCo’s primary forest management goal is to improve overall forest condition to enhance both the economic and the ecological attributes of the forest over time. We manage the forest for a diversity of species and age classes to enhance wildlife habitat and climate resiliency, while paying particular attention to protecting soil productivity and water quality.

Audubon young forest demonstration project

sugar maple

Quality Hardwood and Softwood

Sugar maple, red oak, yellow birch, red maple, white pine, red spruce, and balsam fir are among the most economically important species on the lands we manage. Sustainable timber harvesting provides wood products for papermaking, sawlogs for lumber production, and specialty logs for veneer and export markets.

Recreational access

Recreational Access

Working forest conservation easements are in place across the majority of the 234,000-acre property and allow for a mix of public and private access for recreation. In addition, these easements prevent sub-division and development, ensuring the forested landscape permanently remains intact for public benefit.

To learn more about the NYDEC conservation easement program and specific information on public access opportunities on our property, please visit New York State Department of Environmental Conservation website.